*macOS Cryptocurrency Software Miner List*

All discussions around cryptocurrency mining on macOS and Apple products. Discussion around the most popular crypto coins today including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Read our getting started guide to understanding cryptocurrency, what you need to get started, and how to earn. What's your Apple Mac setup? Hackintosh? eGPU's? Share your setup and details here.
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*macOS Cryptocurrency Software Miner List*

Post by macminergod »

CPU Miner: [CMD] CPU Miner is a multi-threaded, highly optimized CPU miner for Litecoin, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. Currently supported algorithms are SHA-256d and scrypt(N, 1, 1).
macOS Installer Guide -> CPU Miner

ethminer: [CMD] An Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support.
macOS Installer Guide -> ethminer

csminer: [CMD] Screen and power state aware command-line miner for Windows, Mac and Linux perfect for set it and forget it mining on any machine.
macOS Installer Guide -> csminer

Mac Miner + bfgminer + cgminer + sgminer + xmr-stak-cpu and xmr-stak-amd: [CMD] MacMiner uses both as well as a range of CPU Miners as backends to it's GUI and can be used as a whole packaged download for cgminer, bfgminer and minerd (cpuminer).
Mine Coins: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Feathercoin, Peercoin, Dogecoin
macOS Installer Guide -> BFG Miner
macOS Installer Guide -> MacMiner

CUDO Miner: [GUI] An elite solution that provides full control of every device and a complete overview of your mining farms in one place to make insightful decisions.
Mine Coins: Beam, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Grin, Monero, Ravencoin, Vertcoin, Zcoin
macOS Installer Guide -> Cudo Miner

Honeyminer: [GUI] Honeyminer makes mining and earning money simple for anyone with a computer.
Mine Coins: Auto determined
macOS Installer Guide: -> Honey Miner

Nicehash: [GUI] At this time, you can only use NHOS (Nicehash OS) to mine from eGPUs on Apple Macs.
Mine Coins: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Grin, Raven

HiveOS: [GUI] The ultimate mining platform that allows users to setup, mine and control processes more efficiently and hustle-free across thousands of rigs all in one place.
Mine Coins: Multiple coins

MoneroCart: [GUI] Free Monero mining client. Compatible with Apple M1 ARM processors.
Mine Coins: Monero (XMR)
macOS Installer Guide: -> MoneroCart

MinerGate: [GUI] Multi coin miner. Known to have higher fees.
Mine Coins: Zcash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Bytecoin, Monero, DigitalNote, Bitcoin Gold, Monero-Classic
macOS Installer Guide: -> MinerGate

MultiMiner: [GUI] MultiMiner is a graphical application for crypto-coin mining on Windows, OS X and Linux. MultiMiner simplifies switching individual devices (GPUs, ASICs, FPGAs) between crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin.
Mine Coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, BitShares, CureCoin, Monero, Factom, Bytecoin
macOS Installer Guide: -> MultiMiner

XMRig: [CMD] XMRig is a high performance, open source, cross platform RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight and AstroBWT unified CPU/GPU miner and RandomX benchmark. Official binaries are available for Windows, Linux, macOS and FreeBSD.
Mine Coins: Arqma, Conceal, Dero, Epic Cash, EVOX< F2Pool, Graft, Kevacoin, MoneroOcean, NiceHash, Safex, TurtleCoin, Monero, Equilibria, Zerpool
macOS Installer Guide: -> XMRig
For Miners Rigs, macOS Hardware GPUs --> here.
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