1 Hour of GPU Crytpo Mining Ethereum on MacBook Air M1 + Real-Time-Wattage + ethminer!!

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1 Hour of GPU Crytpo Mining Ethereum on MacBook Air M1 + Real-Time-Wattage + ethminer!!

Post by macminergod »

Here is one of our first videos of mining Ethereum using ethminer on Apple's M1 MacBook Air. (See viewto...​ for installing ethminer on an M1 ARM-based Apple Mac) This is the MacBook Air 8-Core CPU AND 8-Core GPU model (not 7-core GPU). It's also upgraded to 16GB of Ram. As you can see, the MacBook Air M1 only used 15-18 Watts during mining - very impressive. In addition, the new M1 MacBook Air's do not have any fans so you'll never hear a peep out of this machine under full load. You'll also notice a large amount of the physical RAM being used while using GPU - that's because of Apple's Unified Memory Architecture (UMA) in the M1 Arm's. M1’s RAM is a single pool of memory that all parts of the processor can access. Mining hash rates averaged out around 2 MH/s. Not fast or profitable - but showing much potential if Apple decides to release a MacPro with 128 faster GPU cores. We'll wait and see. For this M1 MacBook Air system details and earnings, see further below.

Also interesting was that ethminer sees 10.67 GB of GPU memory once begin running ethminer, see start of video: Using Device : Intel GPU 0.0 Apple M1 OpenCL 1.2 Memory : 10.67 GB (11453251584 B)

Current Ethereum markets and at the average hashrate of 2 MH/s would say this MacBook Air would mine around $0.18 a day at an average 15-18 wattage at 24/7. This would come to be $1.28 a week, $5.50 a month, and $67 a year - minus electric costs.

Next: We're going to try and mine under Parallels Desktop using the Apple MacBook Air M1. Stay tuned. Visit for the latest crypto mining software and install guides for macOS and Windows.

MacBook Air (M1, 2020)
Chip: Apple M1 (8-Core CPU)
Memory: 16 GB
GPU: Apple M1 (8-Core GPU Model)
OS: Big Sur 11.2.3
For Miners Rigs, macOS Hardware GPUs --> here.
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