macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

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macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by macminergod »

An Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support. This guide will show how to install and run ethminer on an M1(x) Mac with ARM technology.

Install ethminer-m1 on macOS for ARM-based Apple Mac

1. Download pre-compiled version (No cmake compile is required for this) from here and save it to your Desktop.

2. Open Terminal and change directory to your Desktop.

Code: Select all

cd Desktop

3. In Terminal, change permissions on ethminer-m:

Code: Select all

chmod +x ethminer-m1

4. In Terminal try to start ethminer-m1. You should receive a warning.

Code: Select all


Ethminer Cant Be Opened Mac
Ethminer Cant Be Opened Mac (185.93 KiB) Viewed 74420 times

5. Allow ethminer-m1 in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Allow

Mac Allow Ethminer
Mac Allow Ethminer (140.57 KiB) Viewed 74420 times

6. Finally, launch ethminer-m1 again. For configuration parameters, see below.

Code: Select all


Example launch sequence:

Code: Select all

./ethminer-m1 -P stratum://

Note: On a MacBook Air M1 2020 with 8 GPU's, ethminer sees Using Device : Intel GPU 0.0 Apple M1 OpenCL 1.2 Memory : 10.67 GB (11453251584 B)

Ethminer Mac M1 Arm
Ethminer Mac M1 Arm (1.61 MiB) Viewed 74418 times

Ethminer connections specifications:

Whether you need to connect to a stratum pool or to make use of getWork polling
mode (generally used to solo mine) you need to specify the connection making use
of -P command line argument filling up the URL. The URL is in the form :


where 'scheme' can be any of :

getwork for http getWork mode
stratum for tcp stratum mode
stratums for tcp encrypted stratum mode
stratumss for tcp encrypted stratum mode with strong TLS 1.2 validation

Example 1: -P getwork://
Example 2: -P stratums://
Example 3: -P stratum://
Example 4: -P stratum://

Please note: if your user or worker or password do contain characters
which may impair the correct parsing (namely any of . : @ # ?) you have to
enclose those values in backticks( ` ASCII 096) or Url Encode them
Also note that backtick has a special meaning in *nix environments thus
you need to further escape those backticks with backslash.

Example : -P stratums://\`account.121\`
Example : -P stratums://
(In Windows backslashes are not needed)

Common url encoded chars are
. (dot) %2e
: (column) %3a
@ (at sign) %40
? (question) %3f
# (number) %23
/ (slash) %2f
+ (plus) %2b

You can add as many -P arguments as you want. Every -P specification
after the first one behaves as fail-over connection. When also the
the fail-over disconnects ethminer passes to the next connection
available and so on till the list is exhausted. At that moment
ethminer restarts the connection cycle from the first one.
An exception to this behavior is ruled by the --failover-timeout
command line argument. See 'ethminer -H misc' for details.

The special notation '-P exit' stops the failover loop.
When ethminer reaches this kind of connection it simply quits.

When using stratum mode ethminer tries to auto-detect the correct
flavour provided by the pool. Should be fine in 99% of the cases.
Nevertheless you might want to fine tune the stratum flavour by
any of of the following valid schemes :

stratum+ssl stratum+tcp stratum+tls stratum+tls12 stratum1+ssl stratum1+tcp stratum1+tls stratum1+tls12 stratum2+ssl stratum2+tcp stratum2+tls stratum2+tls12 stratum3+ssl stratum3+tcp stratum3+tls stratum3+tls12

where a scheme is made up of two parts, the stratum variant + the tcp transport protocol

Stratum variants :

stratum Stratum
stratum1 Eth Proxy compatible
stratum2 EthereumStratum 1.0.0 (nicehash)
stratum3 EthereumStratum 2.0.0

Transport variants :

tcp Unencrypted tcp connection
tls Encrypted tcp connection (including deprecated TLS 1.1)
tls12 Encrypted tcp connection with TLS 1.2
ssl Encrypted tcp connection with TLS 1.2

ethminer 0.19.0-17+commit.ce52c740.dirty
Build: darwin/release/appleclang

i 17:08:37 Configured pool
i 17:08:37 Selected pool
i 17:08:37 Stratum mode : Eth-Proxy compatible
i 17:08:37 Established connection to []
i 17:08:37 Spinning up miners...
cl 17:08:37 cl-0 Using Device : Intel GPU 0.0 Apple M1 OpenCL 1.2 Memory : 10.67 GB (11453251584 B)
i 17:08:37 Epoch : 403 Difficulty : 4.00 Gh
i 17:08:37 Job: 010f3abd… block 12104183 []
cl 17:08:38 cl-0 Generating split DAG + Light (total): 4.15 GB
i 17:08:38 Job: 45cd698c… block 12104183 []
cl 17:08:38 cl-0 OpenCL kernel
cl 17:08:38 cl-0 Creating DAG buffer, size: 4.15 GB, free: 6.52 GB
cl 17:08:38 cl-0 Creating light cache buffer, size: 66.37 MB
cl 17:08:38 cl-0 Loading kernels
cl 17:08:39 cl-0 Creating buffer for header.
cl 17:08:39 cl-0 Creating mining buffer
i 17:08:41 Job: 68665786… block 12104183 []
m 17:08:42 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:08:45 Job: 3aad166a… block 12104183 []
m 17:08:47 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:08:48 Job: 89c1c687… block 12104184 []
i 17:08:48 Job: d8242eb5… block 12104184 []
i 17:08:52 Job: e8afc8ce… block 12104184 []
m 17:08:52 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:08:52 Job: f7b7e2ef… block 12104185 []
i 17:08:52 Job: ec5d0539… block 12104185 []
i 17:08:55 Job: 928cd4bd… block 12104186 []
i 17:08:56 Job: 6c1db8da… block 12104186 []
m 17:08:57 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:08:59 Job: 1815263e… block 12104186 []
i 17:09:00 Job: 4da102a9… block 12104187 []
i 17:09:00 Job: 0d41105d… block 12104187 []
m 17:09:02 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:09:03 Job: c8560ec9… block 12104188 []
i 17:09:03 Job: 28b9e42d… block 12104188 []
m 17:09:07 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:09:07 Job: fd6a1e20… block 12104188 []
i 17:09:11 Job: 183fe1b8… block 12104188 []
m 17:09:12 0:00 A0 0.00 h - cl0 0.00
i 17:09:14 Job: a1bf1df7… block 12104189 []
i 17:09:14 Job: 12579362… block 12104189 []
cl 17:09:17 cl-0 4.15 GB of DAG data generated in 38,375 ms.
m 17:09:17 0:00 A0 210.81 Kh - cl0 210.81
i 17:09:18 Job: 2025d316… block 12104189 []
i 17:09:20 Job: 30743db9… block 12104190 []
m 17:09:22 0:00 A0 2.05 Mh - cl0 2.05
i 17:09:24 Job: fa21ee64… block 12104190 []
m 17:09:27 0:00 A0 1.98 Mh - cl0 1.98
i 17:09:28 Job: f02ec0a2… block 12104190 []
i 17:09:31 Job: 9c9a3775… block 12104191 []
i 17:09:31 Job: 5e8f9359… block 12104191 []
m 17:09:32 0:00 A0 1.97 Mh - cl0 1.97
i 17:09:35 Job: 9c259939… block 12104191 []
m 17:09:37 0:01 A0 2.02 Mh - cl0 2.02
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Re: macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by val3rie »

what about Mac intel?
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Re: macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by macminergod »

val3rie wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:47 pm what about Mac intel?
The Intel version for Mac is no longer compatible with the newer macOS systems as I understand. The build is custom to ARM and M1. Not saying it's not possible, but you can use it in Boot Camp. Drivers in Windows will be better anyway I think.
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Re: macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by val3rie »

ok, thanks, so if i want to mine ETH with my Mac I can only do it with Bootcamp?
i've been using Xmrig but it's only using CPU...and i want to use my GPU

only windows mining software can use the GPU?
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Re: macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by macminergod »

val3rie wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:24 am ok, thanks, so if i want to mine ETH with my Mac I can only do it with Bootcamp?
i've been using Xmrig but it's only using CPU...and i want to use my GPU

only windows mining software can use the GPU?
Unless you have an ARM Mac
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Re: macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by val3rie »

there's no other way to use Mac GPU to mine ETH directly without Bootcamp?
just want to be sure, i've look everywhere before going into Windows which is really not pratical for me
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Re: macOS Installation: ethminer on M1 (ARM) Mac's (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by SteveW928 »

Pretty much, if you want to mine Ethereum with a Mac, it means Bootcamp and Windows and getting the GPU properly detected/operational (if you're using an eGPU). If you're using an internal dedicated GPU, then just Bootcamp and Windows and it should work, but be careful about damaging your Mac if it isn't a Mac Pro or iMac Pro. An iMac/MBP with dedicated GPU *could* run it, but I wouldn't trust the cooling system to protect it (I've killed at least 2 MBPs in years past doing 3D rendering and Folding@home and stuff like that). (Wish I'd mined some Bitcoin, though, as now I'd have a few million $s to make me feel better about my losses :lol: )
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