World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

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World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by macminergod »

The AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB has 2 separate GPU's with 32GB HBM2 memory each. Windows sees them as two separate GPU's and therefore treats mining on them separately. Using NiceHash and SRBminer (SRBMiner was benchmarked to have the highest hashrate) we achieved around 80 MH/s per GPU for a total of around 160 MH/s! So, if you had 2x AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB cards installed in your Mac, you could expect a hashrate of around 320 MH/s! In the video below, you see earnings fluctuated between $18 - $36 a day.

NiceHash pays out in BTC. With the market value of BTC steadily increasing day by day, you could start to see average earnings near $100 or much much, MUCH more!!

Yes, they say 1 BitCoin could reach $500,000 dollars in 2030. Can you imagine this?! Of course, if there's only still BitCoin to mine left by then :lol:

Srbminer Nicehash Amd Radeon Pro Vega Ii Duo 2x32 Hashrates
Srbminer Nicehash Amd Radeon Pro Vega Ii Duo 2x32 Hashrates (102.15 KiB) Viewed 72661 times
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by PinkMoon »

Excuse me...Do you run Windows on MacPro ?
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by nycmikem3 »

First - thank you for posting all this info; it’s really helpful!

I just ordered a Mac Pro with both of the Vega pro 2 duos (so I’m expecting something like 320h/s).

Was wondering if there was a benefit to mining in windows/bootcamp (vs Mac native with NHOS)? I guess, if the GPUs are equally efficient in native as windows, then you get the small benefit of the CPU hashing too (which apparently doesn’t mine if you run NHOS). [side note it’s still crazy to me that a processor as powerful as yours doesn’t trounce the likes of threadrippers lol.]

I plan on trying dedicated ETH mining in native macOS running BMINER or CLAYMORE; not sure if you’ve tested those numbers. I’m happy to share my results when the unit comes (estimated may 19-21)

Cheers and thanks again!
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by macminergod »

nycmikem3 wrote: Mon May 10, 2021 12:55 am First - thank you for posting all this info; it’s really helpful!

I just ordered a Mac Pro with both of the Vega pro 2 duos (so I’m expecting something like 320h/s).

Was wondering if there was a benefit to mining in windows/bootcamp (vs Mac native with NHOS)? I guess, if the GPUs are equally efficient in native as windows, then you get the small benefit of the CPU hashing too (which apparently doesn’t mine if you run NHOS). [side note it’s still crazy to me that a processor as powerful as yours doesn’t trounce the likes of threadrippers lol.]

I plan on trying dedicated ETH mining in native macOS running BMINER or CLAYMORE; not sure if you’ve tested those numbers. I’m happy to share my results when the unit comes (estimated may 19-21)

Cheers and thanks again!
Hi, thanks for sharing. That's great to hear. I think you'll be in for some better earnings depending the coin your going to trade in for, seems like Crypto continues to rise. I think I had better success in BootCamp and NiceHash, but check the videos and here for our other tests with these cards in macOS. If I recall, CudoMiner (macOS) had some nice returns with overclock enabled. Please share your results and good luck
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by flara21 »

Hey. So ive watched a lot of your videos on youtube. I am just wondering if you have any videos you doing step by step set up of the mining programs on your mac pro? I am trying to figure the types of coins ill be able to mine on my mac pro and the kind hashrates i could expect. I saw the comment of the guy who said he expects to see a 320 megahash rate on his mac pro but would that only be the hashrate for ETH or do you think he could get that hash rate mining a different type of alt coin like ZEC, ETH Classic, DOGE, SAFEMOON, XRP, and so on?

Also, do you have any videos of you talking and explaining whats going on in the video? I like the videos and what they show but i like some commentary because im very new to this but there is almost no one on the web that mines with a mac pro. Everyone seems to mine on a macbook, that will fry, and theyll make 20 dollars mining the whole time for a year.

Sorry for all the questions/requests, im super new to this and I feel like this group is the place to ask.

thank you for your time!
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by MrMonkeyPenguin »

Hey there!

Really appreciate this post. I am running a Mac Pro with pro Vega ii duo and a 5700xt with nice hash on boot camp

I run the benchmark and while lolminer will run beamV3 at 37 sol/s all Of the other algorithms (kawpow on nanominer and nominee, daggerhashimito on lolminer and nominee) throw errors. I am not overclocking the card and I have tried both assigning a static IP to put into the DMZ on my asus router as well as running no firewall on the router. I have also turned off windows defender firewall.

Any suggestions ?
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by MrMonkeyPenguin »

In case anyone else comes across this issue, I have found the solution

I was using an ASUS router and despite having the mac in the dmz and even completely turning off the firewall, I was still getting errors on every algorithm except for BeamV3.

I was able to discover the root cause of the problem and it is Asus AiProtection feature on the router. Once that is disabled the problem went away and benchmarks were working as expected

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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by macminergod »

Now announcement
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by SteveW928 »

If I had one of these beasts, I'd probably try to extract the maximum potential out of it (as the cooling system should keep it safe, unlike so many other Macs!). I'd probably mine Etheurum on all the GPUs and then maybe Monero on the CPUs.

I ran across this little bit of info on this helpful site, :

"How to setup dual mining?
Ethereum is mined just by using the memory of your GPU, so the GPU’s core is almost not affected by the ethereum mining at all. This gives a possibility to utilize the GPU core for mining some other coins in the same time as you mine ethereum without affecting its hashrate. Of course if you would mine the dual coin at full potency, it would affect the ethereum hashrate, that’s why we will need to optimize the intensity of the dual coin, lowering it at such degree that it’s not affecting the ethereum hashrate."

I didn't know this, which confused me for while, as my GPU stats stayed at between like 0% and 4% utilization, even when mining fully. But, the GPU-cores aren't really being used much, just the RAM. So, I'd probably try Claymore miner and setup BOTH Ethereum and Decred as the article indicates. I'm not sure if Claymore would also allow XMR on the CPUs? If so, that might be the one-stop solution.

I don't know what I think about all the GPU-tuning yet. I'm assuming there is *some* danger involved? I'm not willing to risk that on my rig yet, but I'd love to squeeze out some extra MH/s at the same time. I'm trying to learn more to understand how dangerous/safe it is to do the overclocking and optimization stuff.
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Re: World's Most Powerful GPU - AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo 2x32GB Hashrates are in!!

Post by Arman »

The master (CPU) managing the whole organization (the computer system) has a dedicated employee (GPU) to take care of a specialized department.

This setup allows the CPU to perform the high-level diversified tasks for managing the whole computer, while the GPU is in charge of the video functions of which it is a specialist. A CPU will perform the function to open a video file in Windows Media Player, but once the file opens, the GPU takes over the task of displaying it properly.
For mining the most profitable GPU would be NVIDIA. AMD
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