AMD Radeon Pro W6900X 32GB Hash Rates + Earnings

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AMD Radeon Pro W6900X 32GB Hash Rates + Earnings

Post by macminergod »

NiceHash Crypto Mining CPU & GPU Results in Windows Boot Camp with what might be Apple's last GPU's for Intel (Mac MacPro7,1) the W6900X. Running all compatible and latest crypto miner plugin tests with average hashrates, earnings, and power consumption per software test in NiceHash. See below for details for each current cryptocurrency miner including, hashrates, earnings, and power for each GPU. All power wattage readings were directly taken from the Mac Pro chasis unit - they are not power readings of the GPU directly.

Mac Pro 2019 (Intel)
Chip: 3.50 GHz 16-Core Intel Core W-3223
Memory: 32 GB 2666 MHz
GPUs: AMD Radeon Pro W6900X 32GB
Disk: 1 TB SSD
OS: Boot Camp - Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0 Build 19043)

Mac Pro Intel 2019 Amd W6800x 64gb W6900x 32gb Nice Hash Earnings 1
Mac Pro Intel 2019 Amd W6800x 64gb W6900x 32gb Nice Hash Earnings 1 (409.41 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

Software: SRBMiner 0.6.0 / DaggerHashimoto - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 58 MH/s

Average Earnings: $5.29 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 330 W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Srbminer Daggerhashimoto
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Srbminer Daggerhashimoto (251.14 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

SRBMiner / DaggerHashimoto Output:

Code: Select all

Detecting OpenCL devices...

GPU2 : amd_radeon_pro_w6900x                 [gfx1030      ][MEM: 32752 MB][CU: 40][BUS: 19]

SRBMiner-MULTI 0.6.0

Press 's' to display stats
Press 'h' to display hashrate
Press 'p' to switch to the next pool
Press 'o' to switch to the previous pool
Press 0-9 to disable/enable GPU 0-9, shift+0-9 for GPU 10-19

Algorithm/s         : ethash [0.65% fee]
Gpu mining          : enabled
Cpu mining          : disabled
Gpu tweaking        : disabled
Gpu watchdog        : enabled [normal mode]

[2021-08-27 10:23:29] Please run miner as administrator/root to enable GPU tweaking
[2021-08-27 10:23:30] 0|GPU2 | [BUS:19] [I:         23] [W:   64]
[2021-08-27 10:23:31] Connected to [ethash]
[2021-08-27 10:23:31] Epoch    : 436 [ethash]
[2021-08-27 10:23:31] GPU worker thread 0 started
[2021-08-27 10:23:34] DAG size : 4511 MB [436] [ethash]
[2021-08-27 10:23:34] Difficulty 0.233265 [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:23:34] Job received [00000000b4636a2f] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:23:34] Job received [00000000b4636a30] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:23:34] GPU [BUS:19] DAG ready in ~3 sec [ethash]
[2021-08-27 10:23:37] Finished GPU workers ramp-up
[2021-08-27 10:23:38] GPU2 DAG created [ethash]
[2021-08-27 10:23:38] Job received [00000000b4636a31] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:23:48] Job received [00000000b4636a32] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:23:58] Job received [00000000b4636a33] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:06] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   35ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:06] Job received [00000000b4636a34] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:07] Job received [00000000b4636a35] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:18] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   26ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:25] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   29ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:43] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   31ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:45] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   36ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:48] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   35ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:24:50] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   29ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:03] Job received [00000000b4636a36] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:06] Job received [00000000b4636a37] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:08] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   28ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:11] GPU2[t0] result accepted [   27ms] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:23] Job received [00000000b4636a38] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:26] Job received [00000000b4636a39] [ethash][0]
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] ==========================================================
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] [0]    [ethash]
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] GPU2 : 58.49 MH/s
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] Total: 58.49 MH/s
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] ==========================================================
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] GPU2 : [T:   0c RPM:    0 CC:    0MHz MC:    0MHz]
[2021-08-27 10:25:31] ==========================================================

Software: NRBMiner 37.2 / DaggerHashimoto - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 58 Mh/s

Average Earnings: $5 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 340W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Nrbminer Daggerhashimoto
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Nrbminer Daggerhashimoto (304.52 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

NRBMiner / DaggerHashimoto Output:

Code: Select all

[10:30:05] INFO - ----------------------------------------------
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - |         NBMiner - Crypto GPU Miner         |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                    37.2                    |
[10:30:05] INFO - |                                            |
[10:30:05] INFO - ----------------------------------------------
[10:30:05] INFO - ------------------- System -------------------
[10:30:05] INFO - OS:     Windows 10 Version 2009, 10.0.19043
[10:30:05] INFO - CPU:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-3223 CPU @ 3.50GHz
[10:30:05] INFO - RAM:    29114 MB / 32710 MB
[10:30:05] INFO - VMEM:   31152 MB / 37830 MB
[10:30:05] INFO - CL_DRV:
[10:30:05] INFO - ------------------- Config -------------------
[10:30:05] INFO - ALGO:   ethash
[10:30:05] INFO - URL:    nicehash+tcp://
[10:30:05] INFO - USER:   3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
[10:30:05] INFO - TEMP:   90C
[10:30:05] INFO - ------------------- Device -------------------
[10:30:05] INFO -  |ID|PCI|  CC|Memory|CU|
[10:30:05] INFO -  | 0| 11|1003|32752M|60| AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo
[10:30:05] INFO -  | 1| 14|1003|32752M|60| AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo
[10:30:05] INFO - *| 2| 25|1003|32752M|80| AMD Radeon Pro W6900X
[10:30:05] INFO - ----------------------------------------------
[10:30:05] INFO - ethash - Logging in to ...
[10:30:05] INFO - ethash - Login succeeded.
[10:30:05] INFO - API:
[10:30:05] INFO - API server started.
[10:30:05] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e894, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:05] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e895, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:07] INFO - Device 2 started, Free mem = 32752 MB.
[10:30:09] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e896, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:10] INFO - Light cache built, 2.50 s.
[10:30:11] INFO - Device 2: DAG - Building, EPOCH 436
[10:30:12] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e897, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:14] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e898, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:17] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e899, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:17] INFO - Device 2: DAG - Verification ok.
[10:30:17] INFO - Device 2: DAG - Built, 6.11 s.
[10:30:20] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e89a, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:23] INFO - ethash - New job:, ID: 2481e89b, DIFF: 1.002G
[10:30:25] INFO - ======================== Summary 2021-08-27 10:30:25 ========================
[10:30:25] INFO - |ID|Device|Hashrate|Accept|Reject|Inv|Powr|Temp|Fan|CClk|GMClk|MUtl|Eff/Watt|
[10:30:25] INFO - | 2| w6900| 58.89 M|     0|     0|  0|   0|   0|  0|   0|    0|   0|  0.000 |
[10:30:25] INFO - |------------------+------+------+---+----+---------------------------------|
[10:30:25] INFO - |    Total: 58.89 M|     0|     0|  0|   0| Uptime:  0D 00:00:20   CPU:  2% |
[10:30:25] INFO - =============================================================================

Software: NRBMiner 37.2 / KAWPOW - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 31 Mh/s

Average Earnings: $4 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 470W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Nrbminer Kawpow
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Nrbminer Kawpow (250.04 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

NRBMiner / KAWPOW Output:

Code: Select all

[10:34:11] INFO - ----------------------------------------------
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - |         NBMiner - Crypto GPU Miner         |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                    37.2                    |
[10:34:11] INFO - |                                            |
[10:34:11] INFO - ----------------------------------------------
[10:34:11] INFO - ------------------- System -------------------
[10:34:11] INFO - OS:     Windows 10 Version 2009, 10.0.19043
[10:34:11] INFO - CPU:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-3223 CPU @ 3.50GHz
[10:34:11] INFO - RAM:    29126 MB / 32710 MB
[10:34:11] INFO - VMEM:   31152 MB / 37830 MB
[10:34:11] INFO - CL_DRV:
[10:34:11] INFO - ------------------- Config -------------------
[10:34:11] INFO - ALGO:   kawpow
[10:34:11] INFO - URL:    stratum+tcp://
[10:34:11] INFO - USER:   3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
[10:34:11] INFO - TEMP:   90C
[10:34:11] INFO - ------------------- Device -------------------
[10:34:11] INFO -  |ID|PCI|  CC|Memory|CU|
[10:34:11] INFO -  | 0| 11|1003|32752M|60| AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo
[10:34:11] INFO -  | 1| 14|1003|32752M|60| AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo
[10:34:11] INFO - *| 2| 25|1003|32752M|80| AMD Radeon Pro W6900X
[10:34:11] INFO - ----------------------------------------------
[10:34:11] INFO - kawpow - Logging in to ...
[10:34:12] INFO - kawpow - Login succeeded.
[10:34:12] INFO - API:
[10:34:12] INFO - API server started.
[10:34:12] INFO - kawpow - New job:, ID: a6b9dcc2, HEIGHT: 1904044, DIFF: 414.6M
[10:34:12] INFO - mining.extranonce.subscribe succeeded.
[10:34:12] INFO - Device 2 started, Free mem = 32752 MB.
[10:34:14] INFO - Light cache built, 1.65 s.
[10:34:14] INFO - Building DAG for EPOCH 253 on Device 2 ...
[10:34:18] INFO - DAG built on Device 2, 4.61 s.
[10:34:20] INFO - Generate new OpenCL kernel [634681].
[10:34:21] INFO - Generate new OpenCL kernel [634682].
[10:34:28] INFO - kawpow - #1 Share accepted, 15 ms. [DEVICE 2, #1]
[10:34:32] INFO - ======================== Summary 2021-08-27 10:34:32 ========================
[10:34:32] INFO - |ID|Device|Hashrate|Accept|Reject|Inv|Powr|Temp|Fan|CClk|GMClk|MUtl|Eff/Watt|
[10:34:32] INFO - | 2| w6900| 31.47 M|     1|     0|  0|   0|   0|  0|   0|    0|   0|  0.000 |
[10:34:32] INFO - |------------------+------+------+---+----+---------------------------------|
[10:34:32] INFO - |    Total: 31.47 M|     1|     0|  0|   0| Uptime:  0D 00:00:20   CPU:  2% |
[10:34:32] INFO - =============================================================================

Software: NanoMiner 3.3.4 / KAWPOW - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 30 Mh/s

Average Earnings: $3.91 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 450W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Nanominer Kawpow
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Nanominer Kawpow (108.17 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

NanoMiner / KAWPOW Output:

Code: Select all

 _ __   __ _ _ __   ___  _ __ ___ (_)_ __   ___ _ __
| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| | | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | | |  __/ |
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\___|_|

Version 3.3.4-cuda11
2021-Aug-27 10:38:35: Started EthMan server on port 3333 without a password (read-only mode).
2021-Aug-27 10:38:35: Started web interface on port 4000 without a password.
Detected 3 devices
GPU 0 PCI 0b:00.0, Platform: OpenCL, Name: AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo (gfx1030), 32752 MB available
GPU 1 PCI 0e:00.0, Platform: OpenCL, Name: AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo (gfx1030), 32752 MB available
GPU 2 PCI 19:00.0, Platform: OpenCL, Name: AMD Radeon Pro W6900X (gfx1030), 32752 MB available
Currency: Raven
Wallet: 3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
Rig name was set up to be empty.
Email was not set.
Hashrate threshold to restart miner is not set
Added pool:
Auto pool sorting is disabled
Devices: 2
-------------Common parameters:-------------
Log path: ./logs/
Log is written to file
GPU watchdog is disabled
Never calling reboot.bat (always restarting the miner in case of errors).
2021-Aug-27 10:38:35: Setting up algorithm: Kawpow
Version 3.3.8 of the miner is available. Changelog:
* Fixed kawpow for some users under HiveOS;
* Fixed incorrect shares on some XMR jobs due to wrong blob length.

In order to process the update, specify  autoUpdate=true  in config and restart the miner.
2021-Aug-27 10:38:36: Connecting to pools...
2021-Aug-27 10:38:36: Connected to pool: | IP:
2021-Aug-27 10:38:36: New job from | share difficulty = 415 MH, epoch 253 (3047 MB)
Raven - Total speed: 0.000 H/s, Total shares: 0 Rejected: 0, Time: 00:01
2021-Aug-27 10:38:42: GPU2: 3047 MB DAG generated in 2.27 seconds
2021-Aug-27 10:38:43: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x00b44d4daa0986b5).
Raven: share accepted (30 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:38:44: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x00b44d4daaca303f).
Raven: share accepted (28 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:38:57: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x00b44d4dc281d632).
Raven: share accepted (34 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:39:01: New job from
Raven - Total speed: 30.767 MH/s, Total shares: 3 Rejected: 0, Time: 00:26
Raven last 10 min - Total: 30.767 MH/s.
2021-Aug-27 10:39:07: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x00b44db5ee6665c0).
Raven: share accepted (33 ms)!
Raven - Total speed: 30.829 MH/s, Total shares: 4 Rejected: 0, Time: 00:58
2021-Aug-27 10:39:43: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x00b44db62f1dfd70).
Raven: share accepted (28 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:39:45: New job from
Raven - Total speed: 30.759 MH/s, Total shares: 5 Rejected: 0, Time: 01:10
2021-Aug-27 10:39:57: New job from
Raven - Total speed: 30.775 MH/s, Total shares: 5 Rejected: 0, Time: 01:21
Raven - Total speed: 30.758 MH/s, Total shares: 5 Rejected: 0, Time: 01:53
Raven last 10 min - Total: 30.782 MH/s.
2021-Aug-27 10:40:34: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x73ee529b98681653).
Raven: share accepted (28 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:40:40: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x73ee529ba316034c).
Raven: share accepted (29 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:40:44: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x73ee529baa6130cf).
Raven: share accepted (29 ms)!
2021-Aug-27 10:40:46: Raven - SHARE FOUND (GPU: 2, nonce: 0x73ee529bae413971).
Raven: share accepted (28 ms)!

Software: lolMiner 1.21 / DaggerHashimoto - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 58 Mh/s

Average Earnings: $4.55 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 330W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Lolminer Daggerhashimoto
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Lolminer Daggerhashimoto (174.26 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

lolMiner / DaggerHashimoto Output:

Code: Select all

|    _       _ __  __ _                   _   ____  _     |
|   | | ___ | |  \/  (_)_ __   ___ _ __  / | |___ \/ |    |
|   | |/ _ \| | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |   __) | |    |
|   | | (_) | | |  | | | | | |  __/ |    | |_ / __/| |    |
|   |_|\___/|_|_|  |_|_|_| |_|\___|_|    |_(_)_____|_|    |
|                                                         |
|              This software is for mining                |
|              Ethash, Etchash                            |
|              Equihash 144/5, 192/7, 210/9               |
|              BeamHash I, II, III                        |
|              ZelHash     (EquihashR 125/4/0)            |
|              Cuck(ar)oo 29                              |
|              Cuckaroo   30 CTX                          |
|              Cuckatoo   31/32                           |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
|           Made by Lolliedieb, February 2021             |

Setup Miner...
Device 0:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 11:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 1:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 14:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 2:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 25:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Max epoch (approx): 3964
    Active:  true (Selected Algorithm: ETHash)

Connecting to pool...
Connected to  (TLS disabled)
Set Ethash stratum mode: Ethereum Proxy
Lost connection to stratum server or server not reachable.
Trying to connect in 1 second
Connected to  (TLS disabled)
Immediately lost connection on ETHPROXY stratum mode. Reconnect attempt will try EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (Nicehash) stratum mode.
Set Ethash stratum mode: EthereumStratum/1.0.0
Subscribed to stratum server
Authorized worker: 3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
New target received: 000000044976d98e (Diff 0.233265)
New job received: 0000000050a81e48 Epoch: 436
         Generating light cache for epoch 436
Subscribed to extranonce
Start Mining...
     Done (2379 ms), size of new DAG: 4512 MByte
New job received: 0000000050a81e49 Epoch: 436
Start DAG gen on GPU 2 (normal mode)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 2 (1680 ms)
New job received: 0000000050a81e4a Epoch: 436
Error in getting sensor data from AMD ADL library. Sensoring will be disabled
New job received: 0000000050a81e4b Epoch: 436
New job received: 0000000050a81e4c Epoch: 436
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 8.42G
GPU 2: Share accepted (15 ms)
New job received: 0000000050a81e4d Epoch: 436
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 9.19G
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
New job received: 0000000050a81e4e Epoch: 436
Average speed (30s): 44.68 mh/s
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.28G
GPU 2: Share accepted (14 ms)
Average speed (30s): 58.36 mh/s
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.80G
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
New job received: 0000000050a81e56 Epoch: 436
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 12.33G
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
New job received: 0000000050a81e57 Epoch: 436
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.28G
GPU 2: Share accepted (36 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.51G
GPU 2: Share accepted (16 ms)

Software: lolMiner 1.21 / BeamV3 - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 33 Sol/s

Average Earnings: $3.20 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 340W Kill A Watt Power Meter

lolMiner 1.21 / BeamV3 Output:

Code: Select all

|    _       _ __  __ _                   _   ____  _     |
|   | | ___ | |  \/  (_)_ __   ___ _ __  / | |___ \/ |    |
|   | |/ _ \| | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |   __) | |    |
|   | | (_) | | |  | | | | | |  __/ |    | |_ / __/| |    |
|   |_|\___/|_|_|  |_|_|_| |_|\___|_|    |_(_)_____|_|    |
|                                                         |
|              This software is for mining                |
|              Ethash, Etchash                            |
|              Equihash 144/5, 192/7, 210/9               |
|              BeamHash I, II, III                        |
|              ZelHash     (EquihashR 125/4/0)            |
|              Cuck(ar)oo 29                              |
|              Cuckaroo   30 CTX                          |
|              Cuckatoo   31/32                           |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
|           Made by Lolliedieb, February 2021             |

Setup Miner...
Device 0:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 11:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 1:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 14:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 2:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 25:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  true (Selected Algorithm: BeamHash III 4G+)

Connecting to pool...
Connected to  (TLS disabled)
Authorized worker: 3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
New job received: 31699042857 Difficulty: 490
Start Mining...
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.1k
GPU 2: Share accepted (16 ms)
New job received: 31699042864 Difficulty: 490
Error in getting sensor data from AMD ADL library. Sensoring will be disabled
New job received: 31699042865 Difficulty: 490
Average speed (30s): 31.2 sol/s
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 2.2k
GPU 2: Share accepted (16 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 0.6k
GPU 2: Share accepted (15 ms)
New job received: 31699042866 Difficulty: 490
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 0.5k
GPU 2: Share accepted (14 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.4k
GPU 2: Share accepted (14 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 0.9k
GPU 2: Share accepted (15 ms)
New job received: 31699042867 Difficulty: 490
Average speed (30s): 33.5 sol/s
New job received: 31699042868 Difficulty: 490
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.0k
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)

Software: lolMiner 1.21 / ZHash - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 104 Sol/s

Average Earnings: $4.62 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 400W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Lolminer Zhash
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Lolminer Zhash (236.63 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

lolMiner 1.21 / ZHash Output:

Code: Select all

|    _       _ __  __ _                   _   ____  _     |
|   | | ___ | |  \/  (_)_ __   ___ _ __  / | |___ \/ |    |
|   | |/ _ \| | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |   __) | |    |
|   | | (_) | | |  | | | | | |  __/ |    | |_ / __/| |    |
|   |_|\___/|_|_|  |_|_|_| |_|\___|_|    |_(_)_____|_|    |
|                                                         |
|              This software is for mining                |
|              Ethash, Etchash                            |
|              Equihash 144/5, 192/7, 210/9               |
|              BeamHash I, II, III                        |
|              ZelHash     (EquihashR 125/4/0)            |
|              Cuck(ar)oo 29                              |
|              Cuckaroo   30 CTX                          |
|              Cuckatoo   31/32                           |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
|           Made by Lolliedieb, February 2021             |

Setup Miner...
Device 0:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 11:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 1:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 14:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 2:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 25:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  true (Selected Algorithm: Equihash 144/5 AMD)

Connecting to pool...
Connected to  (TLS disabled)
Subscribed to stratum server
Authorized worker: 3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
New target received: 00476956dc311c6c
New job received: 000000001df5989c (BgoldPoW)
Start Mining...
Error in getting sensor data from AMD ADL library. Sensoring will be disabled
Average speed (30s): 91.2 sol/s
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.2k
GPU 2: Share accepted (17 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 5.8k
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 3.0k
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.4k
GPU 2: Share accepted (14 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 2.7k
GPU 2: Share accepted (14 ms)
Average speed (30s): 104.6 sol/s
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.1k
GPU 2: Share accepted (14 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.1k
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.7k
GPU 2: Share accepted (13 ms)
Average speed (30s): 102.2 sol/s
New job received: 000000001df5989d (BgoldPoW)

Software: lolMiner 1.21 / GrinCuckaroom31 - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 2.4 G/s

Average Earnings: $0.90 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 400W Kill A Watt Power Meter

lolMiner 1.21 / GrinCuckaroom31 Output:

Code: Select all

|    _       _ __  __ _                   _   ____  _     |
|   | | ___ | |  \/  (_)_ __   ___ _ __  / | |___ \/ |    |
|   | |/ _ \| | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | |   __) | |    |
|   | | (_) | | |  | | | | | |  __/ |    | |_ / __/| |    |
|   |_|\___/|_|_|  |_|_|_| |_|\___|_|    |_(_)_____|_|    |
|                                                         |
|              This software is for mining                |
|              Ethash, Etchash                            |
|              Equihash 144/5, 192/7, 210/9               |
|              BeamHash I, II, III                        |
|              ZelHash     (EquihashR 125/4/0)            |
|              Cuck(ar)oo 29                              |
|              Cuckaroo   30 CTX                          |
|              Cuckatoo   31/32                           |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
|           Made by Lolliedieb, February 2021             |

Setup Miner...
Device 0:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 11:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 1:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 14:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  false (not selected)
Device 2:
    Name:    Radeon 6800 series
    Address: 25:0
    Vendor:  Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    Memory:  32752 MByte (32688 MByte free)
    Active:  true (Selected Algorithm: Cuckatoo 31-16G (Navi))

Connecting to pool...
Connected to  (TLS disabled)
Authorized worker: 3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
New job received: 92185168 Height: 922456 Difficulty: 1
Start Mining...
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 2.9
GPU 2: Share accepted (29 ms)
Error in getting sensor data from AMD ADL library. Sensoring will be disabled
New job received: 92185169 Height: 922456 Difficulty: 1
New job received: 92185170 Height: 922456 Difficulty: 1
Average speed (30s): 2.28 g/s
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 11.5
GPU 2: Share accepted (29 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.6
GPU 2: Share accepted (33 ms)
New job received: 92185171 Height: 922456 Difficulty: 1
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 2.1
GPU 2: Share accepted (34 ms)
New job received: 92185172 Height: 922456 Difficulty: 1
New job received: 92185173 Height: 922457 Difficulty: 1
Average speed (30s): 2.53 g/s
New job received: 92185174 Height: 922457 Difficulty: 1
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 14.5
GPU 2: Share accepted (29 ms)
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 1.1
GPU 2: Share accepted (29 ms)
New job received: 92185175 Height: 922457 Difficulty: 1
GPU 2: Found a share of difficulty 4.3
GPU 2: Share accepted (32 ms)
New job received: 92185176 Height: 922458 Difficulty: 1
Average speed (30s): 2.50 g/s

Software: GMinerCuda9.0+ / DaggerHashimoto - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 57 MH/s

Average Earnings: $4.20 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 430W Kill A Watt Power Meter

GMinerCuda9.0+ / DaggerHashimoto Output:

Code: Select all

|                          GMiner v2.54                          |
Algorithm:          Ethash
DevFee:             0.65%
Stratum server:
  user:             3DMG4tnWpdcai4joVGFrnSBXBkkyaVB4Bx$0-iZL67G3I9F2Xyf5sc2sMag
  password:         x
Power calculator:   on
Color output:       on
Watchdog:           off
Log to file:        off
Selected devices:   GPU2
Intensity:          100
Temperature limits: 90C
13:27:01 Connected to []
13:27:01 Subscribed to Stratum Server
13:27:01 Set Extra Nonce: a33b8f
13:27:01 Authorized on Stratum Server
13:27:01 New Job: 000000004fb40e6e Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:01 Started Mining on GPU2: AMD Radeon Pro W6900X 32GB [0000:19:00.0]
13:27:04 GPU2: Generating DAG for epoch #436 [Single Buffer 4512 MB]
13:27:08 New Job: 000000004fb40e6f Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:11 New Job: 000000004fb40e70 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:11 GPU2: DAG generated in 7.36s [613 MB/s]
13:27:11 GPU2: DAG verification completed without errors
13:27:13 GPU2: Share #1 verified on CPU, difficulty: 1.18G
13:27:13 GPU2: Share #1 accepted 32 ms
13:27:14 GPU2: Share #2 verified on CPU, difficulty: 4.01G
13:27:14 GPU2: Share #2 accepted 29 ms
13:27:18 New Job: 000000004fb40e71 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:25 New Job: 000000004fb40e72 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:25 GPU2: Share #3 verified on CPU, difficulty: 3.39G
13:27:25 GPU2: Share #3 accepted 70 ms
13:27:25 Set Extra Nonce: a32dc6
13:27:25 New Job: 000000004fb40e73 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
| ID     GPU     Temp Fan    Speed    Shares Core Mem Power Efficiency |
|  2  Pro W6900X  N/A 0 %  59.03 MH/s  3/0/0    0   0   N/A        N/A |
13:27:31 Pool: Shares/Minute: 6.00
13:27:31 Uptime: 0d 00:00:30
13:27:32 New Job: 000000004fb40e74 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:34 New Job: 000000004fb40e75 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:34 New Job: 000000004fb40e76 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G
13:27:41 New Job: 000000004fb40e77 Epoch: #436 Diff: 1.00G

Software: TeamRedMiner / KAWPOW - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 29 MH/s

Average Earnings: $3.90 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 450W Kill A Watt Power Meter

Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Teamredminer Kawpow
Amd Radeon Pro W6900x Teamredminer Kawpow (275.64 KiB) Viewed 93414 times

TeamRedMiner / KAWPOW Output:

Code: Select all

Team Red Miner version 0.8.1
[2021-08-27 13:30:28] Pool forcing extranonce subscription for Nicehash kawpow mining.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] WARNING: Windows TDR delay value is missing or invalid, you might experience suboptimal miner execution.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] WARNING: Windows TDR DDI delay value is missing or invalid, you might experience suboptimal miner execution.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] To fix the Windows TDR warnings above, double-click the windows_tdr_fix.reg file included
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] in the TRM package zip file. This will insert two relevant entries into your registry.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Without this registry patch, the miner will throttle its execution somewhat. There is
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] also a small risk you might experience DEAD gpus due to driver timeout resets.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Initializing GPU 0.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] GPU 0 Warning: crossfire ulps is enabled in the registry. Use --enable_compute to fix.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] GPU 0 Warning: crossfire auto-link is active in the registry. Use --enable_compute to fix.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] GPU 0 Miner detected 1 connected monitor(s). This means we will use less
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] aggressive settings to accomodate for gpu rendering while mining. These
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] settings could be either insufficient or overly conservative. In the
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] former case you'll experience sluggish graphics behavior, while in the
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] latter you can lose more hashrate than necessary. After observing the
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] chosen config by the miner by pressing 's' when the miner is running and
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] has completed the auto-configuration process, you can then adjust this
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] configuration using the --prog_config command line parameter. For more or
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] less intensity, increase/decrease the numerical value in steps of 8 until
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] your graphics interaction is acceptable for your setup.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29]
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] For more info, see the USAGE.txt file in the release package.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Watchdog thread starting.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Runtime Command Keys: h - help, s - stats, e - enable gpu, d - disable gpu, q - quit
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Successfully initialized GPU 0: Navi21 with 80 CU (PCIe 25:00.0)
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] API initialized on
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool connecting to address
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool successfully connected to address
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool successfully subscribed. (46 ms)
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool authorization succeeded.
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool extranonce subscribe succeeded. (28 ms)
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool set difficulty to 0.097 (415 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:30:29] Pool received new job. (job_id: 00000000a1051ff5, diff 0.097 / 415 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:30:30] Dev pool connected and ready.
[2021-08-27 13:30:31] Pool received new job epoch 253 (variant kawpow), cache built in 1.7 secs.
[2021-08-27 13:30:31] GPU 0 Starting DAG generation for epoch 253 (single buffer mode).
[2021-08-27 13:30:32] GPU 0 Dag progress  33.57%
[2021-08-27 13:30:33] GPU 0 Dag progress  67.15%
[2021-08-27 13:30:33] Pool received new job. (job_id: 00000000a1051ff6, diff 0.097 / 415 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:30:34] GPU 0 Dag progress 100.00%
[2021-08-27 13:30:34] GPU 0 DAG generation finished in 2.422 seconds.
[2021-08-27 13:30:34] GPU 0 Mining at pool
[2021-08-27 13:30:43] Pool received new job. (job_id: 00000000a1051ff7, diff 0.097 / 415 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:30:51] Pool share accepted. (GPU0) (a:1 r:0) (33 ms) (diff 0.85 GH)
[2021-08-27 13:30:55] Pool share accepted. (GPU0) (a:2 r:0) (29 ms) (diff 0.67 GH)
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] Mining kawpow with 1 GPU workers
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] GPU PCIe         CUs CoreMHz SocMHz MemMHz TEdge TJct  TMem  FanPct  FanRpm  VDDC    Prog Cfg
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] 0   25:00.0      80  2202    0      1988   66C   79C    0C   0.00%      0    1050 mV  A1152
[2021-08-27 13:30:59]
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] Stats Uptime: 0 days, 00:00:30
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] ----------------------------------------- GPU Status -------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] GPU 0 [66C, fan  0%]       kawpow: 26.68Mh/s, avg 25.55Mh/s, pool 27.62Mh/s a:2 r:0 hw:0
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] Total                      kawpow: 26.68Mh/s, avg 25.55Mh/s, pool 27.62Mh/s a:2 r:0 hw:0
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] ----------------------------------------- Pool Status ------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] kawpow: 25.95Mh/s, avg 24.85Mh/s, pool 27.62Mh/s a:2 r:0
[2021-08-27 13:30:59] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Software: TeamRedMiner / DaggerHashimoto - AMD Radeon Pro W6900X

Average Hashrate: 56 MH/s

Average Earnings: $4.58 per day per NiceHash Crypto prices fluctuate daily

Average Power: 334W Kill A Watt Power Meter

TeamRedMiner / DaggerHashimoto Output:

Code: Select all

          Team Red Miner version 0.8.1
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] WARNING: Windows TDR delay value is missing or invalid, you might experience suboptimal miner execution.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] WARNING: Windows TDR DDI delay value is missing or invalid, you might experience suboptimal miner execution.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] To fix the Windows TDR warnings above, double-click the windows_tdr_fix.reg file included
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] in the TRM package zip file. This will insert two relevant entries into your registry.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] Without this registry patch, the miner will throttle its execution somewhat. There is
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] also a small risk you might experience DEAD gpus due to driver timeout resets.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] Initializing GPU 0.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] GPU 0 Warning: crossfire ulps is enabled in the registry. Use --enable_compute to fix.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] GPU 0 Warning: crossfire auto-link is active in the registry. Use --enable_compute to fix.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] GPU 0 Starting tuning.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] GPU 0 Miner detected 1 connected monitor(s). This means we will use less
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] aggressive settings to accomodate for gpu rendering while mining. These
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] settings could be either insufficient or overly conservative. In the
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] former case you'll experience sluggish graphics behavior, while in the
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] latter you can lose more hashrate than necessary. After observing the
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] chosen config by the miner by pressing 's' when the miner is running and
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] has completed the auto-tuning process, you can then adjust this config
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] using the --eth_config command line parameter. For more or less intensity,
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] increase/decrease the numerical value in steps of 8 until your graphics
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] interaction is acceptable for your setup.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38]
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] For more info, see the USAGE.txt file in the release package.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] Watchdog thread starting.
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] Runtime Command Keys: h - help, s - stats, e - enable gpu, d - disable gpu, q - quit
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] Successfully initialized GPU 0: Navi21 with 80 CU (PCIe 25:00.0)
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] API initialized on
[2021-08-27 13:40:38] Pool connecting to address
[2021-08-27 13:40:39] Pool successfully connected to address
[2021-08-27 13:40:39] Pool connection was closed by the pool.
[2021-08-27 13:40:39] Pool switching to stratum mode.
[2021-08-27 13:40:39] Dev pool connected and ready.
[2021-08-27 13:40:39] Pool connecting to address
[2021-08-27 13:40:39] Pool successfully connected to address
[2021-08-27 13:40:40] Pool successfully subscribed. (44 ms)
[2021-08-27 13:40:40] Pool authorization succeeded.
[2021-08-27 13:40:40] Pool set difficulty to 0.233 (1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:40] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f660, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:42] Pool received new job epoch 436 (variant ethash), cache built in 2.7 secs.
[2021-08-27 13:40:42] Pool extranonce subscribe succeeded. (2770 ms)
[2021-08-27 13:40:42] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f661, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:42] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f662, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:42] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f663, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:42] GPU 0 Starting DAG generation for epoch 436 (single buffer mode).
[2021-08-27 13:40:43] GPU 0 Dag progress  34.03%
[2021-08-27 13:40:43] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f664, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:44] GPU 0 Dag progress  68.05%
[2021-08-27 13:40:44] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f665, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:44] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f666, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:45] GPU 0 Dag progress 100.00%
[2021-08-27 13:40:45] GPU 0 DAG generation finished in 2.345 seconds.
[2021-08-27 13:40:45] GPU 0 Mining at pool
[2021-08-27 13:40:45] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f667, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:45] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f668, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:46] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f669, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:47] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f66a, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:48] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f66b, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:49] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f66c, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:50] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f66d, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:51] Pool share accepted. (GPU0) (a:1 r:0) (32 ms) (diff 1.36 GH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:51] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f66e, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:52] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f66f, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:53] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f670, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:54] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f671, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:55] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f672, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:56] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f673, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:57] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f674, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:58] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f675, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:58] Pool share accepted. (GPU0) (a:2 r:0) (41 ms) (diff 1.14 GH)
[2021-08-27 13:40:59] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f676, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:00] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f677, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:01] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f678, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:02] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f679, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:03] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f67a, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:04] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f67b, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:05] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f67c, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:06] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f67d, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:07] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f67e, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:08] Pool received new job. (job_id: 000000005723f67f, diff 0.233 / 1002 MH)
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] Mining ethash with 1 GPU workers
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] GPU PCIe         CUs CoreMHz SocMHz MemMHz TEdge TJct  TMem  FanPct  FanRpm  VDDC    ETH Cfg
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] 0   25:00.0      80  2236    0      1990   43C   50C    0C   0.00%      0    1050 mV  A768 (*)
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] (*) Gpu is still tuning.
[2021-08-27 13:41:09]
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] Stats Uptime: 0 days, 00:00:31
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] ----------------------------------------- GPU Status -------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] GPU 0 [43C, fan  0%]       ethash: 46.05Mh/s, avg 45.67Mh/s, pool 66.73Mh/s a:2 r:0 hw:0
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] Total                      ethash: 46.05Mh/s, avg 45.67Mh/s, pool 66.73Mh/s a:2 r:0 hw:0
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] ----------------------------------------- Pool Status ------------------------------------------
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] ethash: 45.34Mh/s, avg 44.97Mh/s, pool 66.73Mh/s a:2 r:0
[2021-08-27 13:41:09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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