Claymore (Ethereum crypto miner) on Windows Boot Camp (Mac Pro + Vega II Duo)

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Claymore (Ethereum crypto miner) on Windows Boot Camp (Mac Pro + Vega II Duo)

Post by macminergod »

We tested Claymore in Windows Boot Camp on a top of the line Mac Pro using the AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo with 2x32GB GPU beast. Got around 70 MH/s per GPU so around 140 MH/s which wasn't too bad. Used the default Boot Camp drivers for Mac Pro and the Duo II, see below. To get Claymore to working, create a .bat file with the following and place it inside your Claymore directory. Double-click the BAT file to get it running.

Code: Select all

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -eworker YOURDEVICENAME -ewal YOURWALLETADDERESS -epsw x -clKernel 0

Make sure to add -clKernel 0 to the end of your bat file if you get Fatal error detected. Restarting.

Mac Pro Late 2019 28 Core Amd Radeon Pro Vega Ii Duo 64gb Vram Claymore Ethereum Gpu Device Recognize Opencl
Mac Pro Late 2019 28 Core Amd Radeon Pro Vega Ii Duo 64gb Vram Claymore Ethereum Gpu Device Recognize Opencl (57.84 KiB) Viewed 12916 times

Mac Pro Late 2019 28 Core Amd Radeon Pro Vega Ii Duo 64gb Vram Claymore Ethereum Gpu Hashrates
Mac Pro Late 2019 28 Core Amd Radeon Pro Vega Ii Duo 64gb Vram Claymore Ethereum Gpu Hashrates (140.66 KiB) Viewed 12916 times

Mac Pro (Late 2019) (MacPro7,1)
macOS Catalina 10.15.6
2.5GHz 28‑core (56 Virtual Cores) Intel Xeon W-3275M Turbo Boost 4.4GHz
32GB (4x8GB) 2933 MHz of DDR4 ECC memory
2TB SSD storage
AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo with 2x32GB of HBM2 memory
-BIOS Version:
-Bandwidth Cache Size: 32752 MB
-High Bandwidth Cache Type: HBM2
-High Bandwidth Cache Clock Rate: 1000 MHz
-Core Clock: 1731 MHz
-High Bandwith Cache Bandwidth: 1024 GByte/s
-Memory Bit Rate: 2.00 Gbps
BIOS: 1554.80.3.0

WINDOWS 10 Boot Camp:
Windows 10: Windows 10 Home Single 64-Bit 10.0 Build 19042. Version 20H2
OS Build: 19042.804
Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0
Boot Camp Version: 6.1.7675

AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo Windows Boot Camp Info:
Radeon Pro Software Version:
Radeon Pro Settings Version: 2020.0220.1701.30630
Driver Packaging Version:
Provider: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
2D Driver Version:
Direct3D® Version:
OpenGL® Version 26.20.11000.13587
AMD Audio Driver Version:
Vulkan™ Driver Version: 2.0.116
Vulkan™ API Version: 1.1.125

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -eworker MACP -ewal 0x0a40e19d328DA297070DE2bBfAfb68a539d527B7 -epsw x
Phoenix Miner 5.5b Windows/msvc - Release build

No CUDA driver found
Unknown OpenCL driver version! Hashrate and stale shares may suffer
OpenCL platform: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3004.4)
Available GPUs for mining:
GPU1: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 11), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
GPU2: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 14), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
Eth: Loading pools from epools.txt
Eth: the pool list contains 9 pools (1 from command-line)
Eth: primary pool:
Starting GPU mining
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU1
ADL adapter index not found for GPU1
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU2
ADL adapter index not found for GPU2
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to ethash pool (
Listening for CDM remote manager at port 3333 in read-only mode
Eth: New job #c1f49d48 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: Starting up... (0)
GPU1: Generating ethash light cache for epoch #399
GPU2: Starting up... (0)
Light cache generated in 3.3 s (20.2 MB/s)
GPU1: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU1: Disabling DAG pre-allocation (not enough VRAM)
GPU1: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU1: Generating DAG for epoch #399
Eth: New job #8abd0703 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU2: Disabling DAG pre-allocation (not enough VRAM)
GPU2: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU2: Generating DAG for epoch #399
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 14%
GPU2: DAG 14%
GPU1: DAG 29%
Eth: New job #0079a954 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 29%
GPU1: DAG 43%
GPU2: DAG 43%
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 58%
GPU2: DAG 58%
Eth: New job #1de678b2 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 72%
GPU2: DAG 72%
Eth: New job #9702dc0e from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #db27ab85 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 86%
GPU2: DAG 86%
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG generated in 11.1 s (379.2 MB/s)
GPU1: Using Ethash OCL kernels (gfx906; -clkernel 1 -clnew 0)
GPU1: no -gt value specified, switching to auto-tune
GPU1: starting auto-tune process
GPU1: clSetKernelArg (-48)
Fatal error detected. Restarting.
Eth: New job #e069785e from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #25e6446b from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #d23108b6 from; diff: 4000MH

Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)

Phoenix Miner 5.5b Windows/msvc - Release build

Waiting 15 s for previous instance to close
No CUDA driver found
Unknown OpenCL driver version! Hashrate and stale shares may suffer
OpenCL platform: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3004.4)
Available GPUs for mining:
GPU1: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 11), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
GPU2: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 14), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
Eth: Loading pools from epools.txt
Eth: the pool list contains 9 pools (1 from command-line)
Eth: primary pool:
Starting GPU mining
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU1
ADL adapter index not found for GPU1
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU2
ADL adapter index not found for GPU2
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to ethash pool (
Eth: New job #e1a6e61a from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: Starting up... (0)
GPU1: Generating ethash light cache for epoch #399
GPU2: Starting up... (0)
Listening for CDM remote manager at port 3333 in read-only mode
Eth: New job #a4cb97c0 from; diff: 4000MH
Light cache generated in 3.2 s (20.7 MB/s)
GPU1: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU1: Disabling DAG pre-allocation (not enough VRAM)
GPU1: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU1: Generating DAG for epoch #399
Eth: New job #e8b48fae from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU2: Disabling DAG pre-allocation (not enough VRAM)
GPU2: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU2: Generating DAG for epoch #399
Eth: New job #7fd24ec0 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #75fbc79b from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 14%
Eth: New job #05832ac4 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #ad97b72e from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 14%
GPU1: DAG 29%
GPU2: DAG 29%
GPU1: DAG 43%
GPU2: DAG 43%
Eth: New job #87b9f53c from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 58%
GPU2: DAG 58%
GPU1: DAG 72%
GPU2: DAG 72%
GPU1: DAG 86%
Eth: New job #8864fc4c from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 86%
GPU1: DAG generated in 11.1 s (379.1 MB/s)
GPU1: Using Ethash OCL kernels (gfx906; -clkernel 1 -clnew 0)
GPU1: no -gt value specified, switching to auto-tune
GPU1: starting auto-tune process
GPU1: clSetKernelArg (-48)
Fatal error detected. Restarting.
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #c6fbdbc4 from; diff: 4000MH

Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)

Phoenix Miner 5.5b Windows/msvc - Release build

Waiting 15 s for previous instance to close
No CUDA driver found
Unknown OpenCL driver version! Hashrate and stale shares may suffer
OpenCL platform: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3004.4)
Available GPUs for mining:
GPU1: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 11), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
GPU2: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 14), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
Eth: Loading pools from epools.txt
Eth: the pool list contains 9 pools (1 from command-line)
Eth: primary pool:
Starting GPU mining
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU1
ADL adapter index not found for GPU1
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU2
ADL adapter index not found for GPU2
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to ethash pool (
Eth: New job #28212885 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: Starting up... (0)
GPU1: Generating ethash light cache for epoch #399
GPU2: Starting up... (0)
Listening for CDM remote manager at port 3333 in read-only mode
Eth: New job #5e425ff1 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #734a767f from; diff: 4000MH
Light cache generated in 3.2 s (20.6 MB/s)
GPU1: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU1: Disabling DAG pre-allocation (not enough VRAM)
GPU1: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU1: Generating DAG for epoch #399
GPU2: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU2: Disabling DAG pre-allocation (not enough VRAM)
GPU2: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU2: Generating DAG for epoch #399
Eth: New job #f4204317 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 14%
Eth: New job #ff286029 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #cdc8bbfa from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 14%
GPU1: DAG 29%
Eth: New job #8bdb6ae2 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #b0ecedce from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 29%
GPU1: DAG 43%
GPU2: DAG 43%
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 58%
GPU2: DAG 58%
Eth: New job #23a8d681 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 72%
Eth: New job #0d55e6d9 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 72%
Eth: New job #0aa8d151 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 86%
GPU2: DAG 86%
GPU1: DAG generated in 11.1 s (378.9 MB/s)
GPU1: Using Ethash OCL kernels (gfx906; -clkernel 1 -clnew 0)
GPU1: no -gt value specified, switching to auto-tune
GPU1: starting auto-tune process
GPU1: clSetKernelArg (-48)
Fatal error detected. Restarting.
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #1206a749 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #a4de2c00 from; diff: 4000MH

Eth: New job #a88d28f6 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #955d8f4c from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)

Phoenix Miner 5.5b Windows/msvc - Release build

Waiting 15 s for previous instance to close

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

C:\Users\n1lfe\OneDrive\Desktop\Claymore's dual ethereum miner v15.0 - widows (Password-claymore)>EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -eworker MACP -ewal 0x0a40e19d328DA297070DE2bBfAfb68a539d527B7 -epsw x -clKernel 0
Phoenix Miner 5.5b Windows/msvc - Release build

No CUDA driver found
Unknown OpenCL driver version! Hashrate and stale shares may suffer
OpenCL platform: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3004.4)
Available GPUs for mining:
GPU1: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 11), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
GPU2: AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Duo (pcie 14), OpenCL 2.0, 32 GB VRAM, 64 CUs
Eth: Loading pools from epools.txt
Eth: the pool list contains 9 pools (1 from command-line)
Eth: primary pool:
Starting GPU mining
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU1
ADL adapter index not found for GPU1
ADL Overdrive not supported on GPU2
ADL adapter index not found for GPU2
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to ethash pool (
Eth: New job #69d66056 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: Starting up... (0)
GPU1: Generating ethash light cache for epoch #399
GPU2: Starting up... (0)
Listening for CDM remote manager at port 3333 in read-only mode
Eth: New job #15c188eb from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #159a5b53 from; diff: 4000MH
Light cache generated in 3.2 s (20.5 MB/s)
GPU1: Using generic OpenCL kernels
GPU1: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU1: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU1: Generating DAG for epoch #399
GPU2: Using generic OpenCL kernels
GPU2: Free VRAM: 31.922 GB; used: 0.063 GB
GPU2: Allocating DAG for epoch #399 (4.12) GB
GPU2: Generating DAG for epoch #399
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #4bd894c3 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #51cb77d7 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 14%
GPU2: DAG 14%
GPU1: DAG 28%
GPU2: DAG 28%
GPU1: DAG 42%
Eth: New job #b193a422 from; diff: 4000MH
GPU2: DAG 43%
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 56%
GPU2: DAG 57%
GPU1: DAG 70%
GPU2: DAG 71%
Eth: New job #d54febaa from; diff: 4000MH
GPU1: DAG 84%
GPU2: DAG 86%
Eth speed: 0.000 MH/s, shares: 0/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 0.000 MH/s (0) 2: 0.000 MH/s (0)
GPU1: DAG 98%
GPU1: DAG generated in 11.2 s (375.7 MB/s)
GPU2: DAG generated in 11.1 s (380.2 MB/s)
Eth: GPU1: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 25.0 GH (!)
Eth: Share accepted in 40 ms
Eth: New job #1c4cc169 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #5904bdb9 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #d3113541 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 133.889 MH/s, shares: 1/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 66.402 MH/s (1) 2: 67.487 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #3f7744b2 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #f10538e0 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 133.851 MH/s, shares: 1/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 66.385 MH/s (1) 2: 67.466 MH/s (0)
Eth: GPU1: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 12.9 GH (!)
Eth: Share accepted in 43 ms
Eth: New job #d87a8a05 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 133.793 MH/s, shares: 2/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 66.361 MH/s (2) 2: 67.432 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #4da185fa from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #e64c6e49 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 131.354 MH/s, shares: 2/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 63.966 MH/s (2) 2: 67.388 MH/s (0)
Eth: GPU1: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 4015 MH
Eth: Share accepted in 39 ms
Eth: New job #a38fca7c from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 138.603 MH/s, shares: 3/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 68.642 MH/s (3) 2: 69.961 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #90a514d3 from; diff: 4000MH

*** 0:00 *** 3/6 06:20 **************************************
Eth: Mining ETH on for 0:00
Eth: Accepted shares 3 (1 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 33.33%
Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 25.0 GH (!)
Eth: Average speed (5 min): 133.589 MH/s

Eth speed: 136.175 MH/s, shares: 3/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 66.267 MH/s (3) 2: 69.909 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #c012b8f9 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 130.985 MH/s, shares: 3/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 63.737 MH/s (3) 2: 67.247 MH/s (0)
Eth: New job #c4b9207f from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #c623df9b from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #f01d3129 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: GPU2: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 4204 MH
Eth: Share accepted in 38 ms
Eth speed: 130.899 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:00
GPUs: 1: 63.712 MH/s (3) 2: 67.187 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #fd228d14 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #a05d7609 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #8fabcc13 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 138.733 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.981 MH/s (3) 2: 69.752 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #657189e5 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #6f2bc3d5 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #b307a3f1 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 138.540 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.967 MH/s (3) 2: 69.573 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #3a5b1716 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 138.504 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.710 MH/s (3) 2: 69.794 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #915ee16e from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 138.832 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.842 MH/s (3) 2: 69.989 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #be049621 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #9d31d395 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #37bb838e from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 132.646 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.311 MH/s (3) 2: 64.335 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #b5f92827 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 138.533 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.634 MH/s (3) 2: 69.899 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #98995a1c from; diff: 4000MH

*** 0:01 *** 3/6 06:21 **************************************
Eth: Mining ETH on for 0:01
Eth: Accepted shares 4 (2 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 50.00%
Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 25.0 GH (!)
Eth: Average speed (5 min): 133.281 MH/s
Eth: Effective speed: 177.78 MH/s; at pool: 177.78 MH/s

Eth speed: 130.430 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 65.943 MH/s (3) 2: 64.487 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #b6b54fb7 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 135.692 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.664 MH/s (3) 2: 67.028 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #797e4151 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #bdf8e58d from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #1c6b39d4 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #1dbae7f6 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 135.309 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 65.932 MH/s (3) 2: 69.377 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #b47dafbd from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 137.959 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 68.812 MH/s (3) 2: 69.147 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #d618f59f from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 127.168 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 62.117 MH/s (3) 2: 65.052 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #dc4686e1 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #4f7e3e09 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #aecc5769 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 127.351 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:01
GPUs: 1: 63.508 MH/s (3) 2: 63.843 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #3d6c7273 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #aa8e6c16 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #7d9fcfda from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #e1ca040e from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 129.068 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 65.038 MH/s (3) 2: 64.030 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #34785dca from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 124.265 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 62.726 MH/s (3) 2: 61.539 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #dcb8ac1e from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #f26c20dc from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #13707774 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 126.765 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 62.639 MH/s (3) 2: 64.127 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #e42034cc from; diff: 4000MH

*** 0:02 *** 3/6 06:22 **************************************
Eth: Mining ETH on for 0:02
Eth: Accepted shares 4 (2 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 50.00%
Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 25.0 GH (!)
Eth: Average speed (5 min): 130.928 MH/s
Eth: Effective speed: 118.52 MH/s; at pool: 118.52 MH/s

Eth speed: 120.751 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 59.656 MH/s (3) 2: 61.095 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #efb36f71 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #c7f7f246 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 121.547 MH/s, shares: 4/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 60.209 MH/s (3) 2: 61.338 MH/s (1)
Eth: New job #b6fb9802 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: GPU2: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 4007 MH
Eth: Share accepted in 38 ms
Eth: New job #c5260467 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 123.677 MH/s, shares: 5/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 59.967 MH/s (3) 2: 63.710 MH/s (2)
Eth: New job #442cf61f from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: GPU2: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 4789 MH
Eth speed: 128.604 MH/s, shares: 5/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 64.928 MH/s (3) 2: 63.677 MH/s (2)
Eth: Share accepted in 45 ms
Eth: New job #f8912c7b from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: GPU1: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 6765 MH
Eth: Share accepted in 40 ms
Eth speed: 123.781 MH/s, shares: 7/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 62.547 MH/s (4) 2: 61.234 MH/s (3)
Eth: New job #ce5e04b0 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #36eb21e3 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: GPU1: ETH share found!
Eth: Share actual difficulty: 6471 MH
Eth: New job #eb25b189 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: Share accepted in 39 ms
Eth speed: 131.961 MH/s, shares: 8/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 65.369 MH/s (5) 2: 66.592 MH/s (3)
Eth: New job #1bd6fffb from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #a02e90db from; diff: 4000MH
Eth: New job #55434437 from; diff: 4000MH
Eth speed: 130.323 MH/s, shares: 8/0/0, time: 0:02
GPUs: 1: 63.931 MH/s (5) 2: 66.392 MH/s (3)
For Miners Rigs, macOS Hardware GPUs --> here.
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