macOS Installation: CPU Miner (Crypto Miner Software)

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macOS Installation: CPU Miner (Crypto Miner Software)

Post by macminergod »

CPU miner is a crypto miner for multiple currencies including for Litecoin, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin.

Install CPU Miner on macOS

1. Go to CPU Miner releases and download the latest OSX 64 zip.

2. Unzip and you will have the minerd application on your Desktop.

Cpu Miner Mac
Cpu Miner Mac (2.46 KiB) Viewed 15072 times

3. Join a mining pool. Go to Aika Pool and find a pool to join. In this example, we will mine Dogecoin. We joined the Dogecoin mining pool and created an account.

Macos Mine Crypto Dogecoin
Macos Mine Crypto Dogecoin (11.2 KiB) Viewed 15071 times

4. Create a new worker. Go to My Account -> My Workers. Name your worker and create a password. You will need this in the next step.

5. Open Terminal. Change your working directory to your desktop (or where minerd is located).

Code: Select all

cd /Users/user/Desktop

6. Type the following command to start mining. The first part starts the minerd miner. We will mine use the scrypt algorithm. We will connect to the aikapool URL address found in our Aikapool dashboard. Finally, we specify our miner worker details including name and password. Example command is below.

Code: Select all

./minerd -a scrypt --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=laptop.macbookpro:password

7. You will immediately begin mining. You can track your earnings in the Aikapool dashboard.

Dogecoin Mining Macos Cpu Miner
Dogecoin Mining Macos Cpu Miner (190.06 KiB) Viewed 15070 times
For Miners Rigs, macOS Hardware GPUs --> here.
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