How to get BitMinter to run in Windows or macOS

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How to get BitMinter to run in Windows or macOS

Post by macminergod »

Bitminter began as an idea for a more user-friendly graphical bitcoin mining client. At the time mining software used a command line interface and most people don't even know what that is. Work on Bitminter began in March 2011. Later it turned into a complete mining pool. Bitminter went live 26 June 2011. Now, the pool has shutdown and the website will be offline in 2021.

The BitMinter application is still available for download here. It uses Java and it has an expired certificate. You can still run the BitMinter application, however because it requires a login to the pool and with the pool being disabled, you won't be able to mine with it. In order to get it running in Windows, you will need to do the following steps below.

1. Install Java.

2. Download BitMinter here.

3. Double click bitminter.jnlp. You will receive a Java warning prompt:

Bitminter Application Blocked By Java Security
Bitminter Application Blocked By Java Security (29.73 KiB) Viewed 10880 times

4. Add to the Java Control Panel -> Security -> Exception Site List

Bitminter Java Exception List
Bitminter Java Exception List (60.1 KiB) Viewed 10880 times

5. Finally, double click bitminter.jnlp and allow the java risk to run.

Bitminter Java Security Warning
Bitminter Java Security Warning (40.14 KiB) Viewed 10880 times

Bitminter App Macos
Bitminter App Macos (96.36 KiB) Viewed 10877 times
For Miners Rigs, macOS Hardware GPUs --> here.
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